Friday, November 11, 2005

some links for Alito

What are you thinking of doing for the paper, Alito or Free Culture?

The Washington Post has a decent collection of their own coverage. And here are a couple of selected articles they have published in the past couple days, such as Alito signals reluctance to overturn Roe and Alito Nomination Sets Stage for Ideological Battle

You can find your own news articles, and you can look to sites of interest groups as well; the blog Confirm Them for instance, has a point of view.

Points of view are fine, so long as we recognize that they are points of view -- that's that critical thinking part by you, in which you take these reports as data to be interpreted through the attitudinal, strategic, and constitutive schools.

Feel free to share with others links to sites you have found interesting or helpful. you can either email them to me and have me post, or you can put them in the comments section.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am planning on writing my paper using the Free Culture reading; however, after asking the question, "Pundit positions aside, where do Alito's decisions lie on the political spectrum," I ran across this op-ed by Cass Sunstein in the Washington Post. Though it may not be directly useful for the paper, I found it informative.

5:30 PM  

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